Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Alyssa's Photoshoot

Alyssa has been feeling a bit left out lately what with the arrival of Mikey and Caroline. She begged me to do a photo shoot of her today but we couldn't go outside because it has been very cold and I haven't been feeling well so we had to do some window pictures.

Alyssa with long hair
Alyssa is my VERY first 18" doll.  She used to have long hair but then we cut it.

Alyssa with short hair

so then we began the process of getting her ready

She put on her favorite outfit

and then we went to the hair salon

here is what  her hair looked liked before we started

I put a little water on her hair and started brushing the tangles

And then I did this cute little braid on one side of her head

This is what her hair looked like after

Now she is ready to go

Here is her first picture

Beautiful Alyssa

Alyssa you get down from there right now!

I love this one of her gazing out the door

Last photo

Well.... maybe ONE more

Alyssa loved her photo shoot and I did to I hope you like it to!

PS. I hope to have a video up soon.


Chris said...

Great pics!

Jennifer said...

I LOVE this photo shoot. Alyssa looks so cute! I bet she was glad to have your attention!