Friday, May 24, 2013

Caroline's New Hairstyle!

Today I was looking at and Caroline saw me looking at a new hairstyle that Liz came up with (she is so creative) and begged me to try it out on her.

So we headed to the doll hair salon

So what I would recomend doing first is pulling your dolls hair back into a very loose ponytail like this.....

leaving a loose strand of hair out of the ponytail on each side like this

then take the strands and pull them back and tie them together like you would a shoelace.

then repeat!

your done!  We also added our crown that Liz showed us how to make.

also due to Memoriel Day there won't be any more posts this weekend.

Happy Memoriel Day!



Chris said...

That's how I did my hair this morning!

Jennifer said...

Cute hairstyle! I like Carolyn's patriotism!